The Bands of Claudia Taylor Johnson Foundation recently contributed $3,000.00 to the Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation to help with the purchase of instruments for schools with low-income circumstances who may not be able to purchase new instruments on their own. The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation aims to support schools with new instruments so that all children will have access to music education and the joy of learning to make music. The Bands of Claudia Taylor Johnson Foundation was created to support the band programs at Johnson High School, Tejeda Middle School, and “Tex” Hill Middle School, but also to raise awareness in general of the impact music education has on students.
Over the last few years, the Bands of CTJ Foundation has worked to support a variety of projects in the Johnson Cluster including trips to the Midwest Clinic, new instrument purchases, scholarships for students, and gifts for graduating seniors. The Foundation recognizes the power of music education and the impact it has on shaping the future of young students in schools. In that spirit, alumni students and parents worked together to fundraise the $3,000.00 donation to support the Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation’s amazing philanthropic mission. We encourage our community to continue to give towards this worthy cause.
From the MHOPUS Website:
The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation was inspired by the acclaimed motion picture Mr. Holland’s Opus, the story of the profound effect a dedicated music teacher had on generations of students. Michael Kamen, who wrote the score for the film, started the foundation in 1996 as his commitment to the future of music education. The Foundation donates high-quality musical instruments to deserving, under-funded music programs, and provides an array of support services to school districts. By increasing the school’s inventory of quality, playable instruments, music teachers are given the tools they need to deliver a quality music education to students who want to learn. In collaboration with committed school districts, the Foundation’s investments are strategically placed as part of a K–12 district-wide plan to achieve positive and lasting results.